The Red Shoes, a dark retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale, is currently being performed at the RSC’s Swan Theatre. Unlike previous Christmas shows, this adaptation by Nancy Harris takes a darker turn, focusing on the story of orphan Karen who finds herself trapped by a pair of red shoes that force her to dance uncontrollably. The play is set in the lavish home of the Nugent family, who adopted Karen for social gain.
The production features standout performances from Nikki Cheung as Karen and Joseph Edwards as the eccentric son of the Nugent family. The choreography during the dinner party scene, where Karen’s shoes take control, is a highlight of the play, showcasing the chaos and magic of the story. The inclusion of references to other fairy tales adds depth to the narrative and engages the audience in a unique way.
While the play is filled with comedy, music, and impressive choreography, some moments feel drawn out and lack the impact they aim to achieve. The pivotal scene where Karen’s feet are chopped off falls short of being both horrifying and amusing, leaving the audience wanting more. Despite this, Cheung’s performance as Karen is captivating and heartfelt, making her a joy to watch on stage.
Overall, The Red Shoes offers a different take on a classic fairy tale, with a talented cast bringing the story to life. While it may not have the wow factor expected from a Christmas show, it still provides an entertaining and thought-provoking experience for theatergoers. The production is running at The Swan Theatre until January 19, 2025, giving audiences a chance to witness this dark and enchanting tale unfold on stage.